NATO To Deploy Desktop Alert Networked Mass Notification Platform To All NATO Nations

NATO selected Desktop Alert Inc. for its mass notification requirements due to a combination of factors, including its focus on the security of its systems, its proven track record with other government organizations, and its ability to provide custom features and services to meet NATO’s specific needs. Desktop Alert Inc. offers reliable, secure, and scalable messaging across a variety of devices, as well as delivery of critical messages to a wide range of users. Additionally, Desktop Alert Inc.’s products are interoperable with existing systems and integrate easily with NATO’s existing critical communications infrastructure. Their systems are also ready-to-deploy, making them ideal for emergency situations.
U.S. Army and Air National Guard Enterprise Approved Alerting System
Standardized IP-Based opt-in notification system for the Army and Air National Guard 12 years and running

Desktop Alert’s DoD certified Mass Notification System is utilized at U.S. Army and U.S. Air National Guard locations nationwide every day for over 12 years to date providing end-to-end IP-Based emergency-based communications middleware platforms.
Enterprise Deployment
Northern Command/NORAD Adopt Desktop Alert

North American Aerospace Defense Command and US Northern Command selected Desktop Alert’s enterprise mass notification and situational awareness applications. In addition to providing assured communication to assigned personnel, NORAD/USNORTHCOM will now be able to extend unified alerting to all subordinate organizations in their respective Area of Responsibly. Because of the unique relationships with the countries of Canada and Mexico, this will allow the command to deploy a common alerting and situational awareness tool across the North American contin
Enterprise Deployment
Department of Defense Cyber Crime Center (DC3)

A Federal Cyber Center that delivers innovative capabilities and expertise to enable and inform law enforcement, cybersecurity,
and national security partners.
United States Military Academy at West Point
West Point Fields Desktop Alert to Protect Cadets and Personnel

West Point to protect, alert, and inform personnel with Desktop Alerts patented and award winning alerting mass notification system.